When looking for an excellent real estate agent one hopes that the person will really understand your needs, give you the best advice and have your interest in full focus throughout the process whether selling or buying a home. Cyndi Schmear far excels in all those qualities. Her professionalism is coupled with a vast knowledge of the ins and outs of the real estate market in the area. Her ability to make you feel like you are her most important client throughout the process, reduces any stress or anxiety that you may have. She knows her field. Cyndi is, by far, the very best of agents. It is without hesitation that this recommendation is being written. She is superior at what she does and does it with grace and dignity. She was my seller's agent and successfully sold my home in record time!"
Waukesha, WI 53186
First Time Buyer
"Cyndi was phenomenal. Her ability to simplify the home buying process, willingness to assist in any way possible and overall knowledge are just a few of the reason why I highly recommend her services. As a first time home buyer, I was told buying a home is complicated. I have to slightly disagree through my experience with Cyndi. She's professional, experienced, and will put you in a home!"